Prayer Room
Salvation Room
Banner Room
Awards Room
Family Room
Christian Links
Lonna lives in Willow Park, TX with her husband, Lee,
and their dogs, Trixie (sheltie mix), and Lily (fox terrier).
Please explore my Christian home on the web.....
I have a Prayer Room, a Salvation Room, and many wonderful Christian Links,
plus a Family Room, where you can see pictures from our family album.
Please keep checking back, I'm adding new things all the time!
May God richly bless you as you explore my Christian Home.
Be sure to visit my Encouraging Word Ministries site to read and comment on my articles and sermons.

Guide to My Home:
Ministries Room: Includes links to all the
well-known Spirit-filled teachers, TBN, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, etc.
Prayer Room: Enter here to take solice from
the world. Allow the presense of God and my prayer for you, encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
Salvation Room: Answers the eternal question, "What
must I do to be saved?"
Christian Links Room: Includes my favorite Christian Homepages
and Christian Neighbors with homepages in Geocities.
Favorite Sites & Web Tools Room: Contains links to
my favorite places, plus links to web building tools, backgrounds, icons, midis, etc.
Awards Room: The Awards my homepage has
won for safe web surfing and Christian content.
Banner Room: Links to Christian Homepages via
their lovely banners.
Family Room: Pictures from our family photo album.
Encouraging Word Ministries: Lonna's Ministry Website


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Please visit me again soon.....
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